Enthusiasm makes all the difference.
The Sag Touch

Giving meaning

and co-construction

Designing the employee experience


Our areas of expertise
- Shape a vision and get employees to embrace it
- Co-build a strategic plan
- Get management teams on board
- Design a 360° internal communication plan
- Reinforce corporate values and culture
- Support digital transformation
- Promote an innovation approach
- Support a merger, acquisition or restructuring
- Implement a CSR programme

“If you want to help people cross a river…
“… first, get them interested in how beautiful it is on the other side…”
Everything starts with the vision, which inspires, gives meaning and creates desire.
“… and make sure they’re not afraid of the water…”
Next, the movement begins and with it a whole batch of uncertainties, questions, obstacles, but also wonderful discoveries, meetings and new opportunities.
“… teach them to swim…”
In this key period, freeing up initiatives, giving people confidence and getting them involved will help the movement coordinate and accelerate.
By multiplying links, interactions, exchanges and involvement, engagement will be consolidated.
“… so that they can cross it alone.”
Like a murmuration, the collective movement continually adjusts itself, gaining in strength and able to meet any challenge.
engaged this year
We’ve already done it together
Discover our success stories