Your events and internal communication agency in Lyon in the Rhône-Alpes Region (69)
Meet the team at our Lyon agency
Lyon, or the birthplace of Sagarmatha Agency… Yes, more than 29 years ago, two travel aficionados, Christophe Larrenduche and Nathalie Marquis, decided to put down their bags in the gorgeous Auvergne Rhône Alpes region we call home, to create Sagarmatha.
Back then, our base camp was located in Lyon, on the plateau of La Croix-Rousse, a bustling district perched over the city, in a former silk workshop. Then, the agency grew and we left La Croix-Rousse behind for Caluire-et-Cuire, also in the heights of Lyon, between the Saône and Rhône rivers, and for those in the know, just above the Cité Internationale.
Today, Sagarmatha Lyon is a very different place: the 10-employee team from La Croix-Rousse has grown to more than 30 today at our offices in Caluire-et-Cuire, and our expertise is now organising internal and event communication campaigns.
Sagarmatha Lyon is also a melting pot of origins: Lyon natives, smitten with their region and city, work alongside adoptive Lyon residents, hailing from all over France: Alsace, Bourgogne, Bretagne, Franche-Comté, Cantal, PACA, Mayenne, Nouvelle Aquitaine, Ardèche, Val d’Oise, Normandie, Guadeloupe… And beyond our borders: Great Britain and Italy! This makes it possible for us to extend our reach abroad, with real gusto for event organisation in Europe and throughout the world.

Our expertise as an event and internal communications agency
Lyon is well-known as the food capital of France! That’s probably why adoptive Lyon denizens feel so good there.
Our local team borrows a bit from the traditions of fine cuisine, putting its talent to work on projects in much the same way as a chef would set out to make a favourite recipe: drawing on expertise passed down over generations, using carefully-chosen ingredients, relying on a brigade of professionals each with a carefully-defined task, showing unwavering focus and taking delight in the customers’ enjoyment!
Through the events we produce, the Sagarmatha Lyon Agency brings to the fore its skills in collaborative working, event digitisation, meet-ups for co-workers to improve collaboration, and dynamic and inventive workshops to help customers overcome the obstacles they face when it comes to communication strategies.
We, in Lyon, enjoy taking the initiative! We have an outstanding example of intrapraneurship in-house, which we are proud to present. Maevane Montabrun is head of the C2C Department, now composed of 10 people. This department, dedicated to events in the healthcare sector, takes care of individualised guest management and regulatory compliance assurance. The structure is currently in charge of managing multiple framework contracts in the Auvergne Rhône Alpes Region and across France.
We don’t stop there, though: we also enjoy expanding our teams and innovating, always in the interest of good organisation and customer service. It was thus quite naturally that Sebastien Bouteiller became Operational Manager of the Lyon agency and is now in charge of managing the teams in the everyday to make sure they are efficiently organised and to assign calls for tender to the best-suited teams.
Lastly, we have travel service, an area in which ours globe-trotting experts deploy their business expertise by creating truly meaningful common threads for the custom-tailored trips we develop all over the world.
We build strong ties with our customers through the project teams put together specially for their needs and which remain with them over the long-term. Our customers’ loyalty is based on this trust established from the outset, at our very first encounters. We work for them and with them!
Our Lyon agency’s network
Lyon is a city of networks, and it continues to be of vital importance for each of us at the agency to consistently fill up on new ideas by taking part in the events organised in the city and region.
Sagarmatha Lyon is a partner to Medef Lyon Rhône Alpes. This gives us an invaluable opportunity to meet regularly with key city players and interact with them. In addition, we enjoy supporting the actions and events in our DNA, such as:
- The Second Souffle [“A Second Wind”] event, for instance, which we partnered
- The association NQT (Nos quartiers ont du talent, “Our Neighbourhoods Have Got Talent”): we have been working since 2011 to help young graduates from underprivileged areas to find work… In particular through the workshops we created to help them manage their communication and “sell” themselves more effectively, from the job application to the interview room.
Getting inspired in the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Region to better support our customers and bring their beams on-board: our leaders are part of the APM (Association Progrès Management, Club Lyon International), behind the Dir Gones event (formerly known as Agora des Dirigeants)… And the managers are active members of the CJD (Young Leaders’ Centre).
Our strength lies in networks! And to keep them vibrant, we like to get together and celebrate! Every year, we make a special point of showing our thanks to all our key suppliers, who are above all, long-standing partners to us! As the summer begins, we hold a party specifically to thank them and share this moment together.
We have also set up “Brainfood” sessions, during which we bring together our customers two to three times per year, to share on event trends to come, enjoy an experience around a guest speaker, discuss current issues, etc. These are always inspiring times of sharing and enjoyment.

A day in the life of our communication agency in Lyon
In Lyon, the teams work to the vibe of the values perceptible in an open space, where all the personalities that make our agency so unique come together.
A sense of humour is what we like to share when we work. With our spirits high, never taking ourselves too seriously and bringing a good dose of cheer and energy to each of our event projects.
The team members each feel accountable and manage their own work. We take special pride in giving importance to work-life balance, and several years ago, had already made the home office available to all our employees!
In Lyon, we give priority to discussion and, like a family, watch out for each other. What defines us is team spirit! A team made up of former interns, gradually broadened over the years by external talents. This “friendly” spirit is dear to our hearts, and we take care to sustain it as well as the strong solidarity in the team, through projects penned collaboratively, or for instance, continuing mutual support on event production.
Every moment is potentially a chance to share! This is why our Cheers & Chill tandem is always so busy celebrating these moments: a contract won, a new arrival, the holiday season, a new family member, a life-changing occasion…. In short, the simple pleasure of being together!