Number of participants
and 2,648 views of the show on the dedicated website
(TV channels excluded)
”A tour de force
Jean MaïaSecretary-General of the Constitutional Council
Popularize and involve French citizens in the application for a priority preliminary ruling on the issue of constitutionality.
The challenge
- In 2020, the Constitutional Council celebrated the 10th anniversary of the QPC. That is a major democratic step forward, but it needs more attention and publicity.How to make such a complex issue more accessible and understandable for the French citizens? How to represent the openness and the modernity of the French institutions? How to raise awareness about the role played by the Constitutional Council? At the end of 2020, in the context of the COVID-19 sanitary crisis, how to successfully address the French population?
Let’s start!
The 90-minute TV show, hosted by Ali Baddou and Caroline Blaes, was the cornerstone of that editorial content plan. It was broadcast during the event, on LCP-AN, on November 26th, 2020.
Among the speakers: Emmanuel Macron, the President of France, Eric Dupond-Moretti, Minister of Justice and Keeper of the Seals, Robert Spano, President of the European Court of Human Rights, Bruno Lasserre, vice-president of the Council of State, Chantal Arens, First President of the Supreme Court, François Molins, Attorney General at the Supreme Court…
Regarding the 26-minute documentary called “A la conquête d’un droit, la genèse de la QPC”. It was produced by our team and broadcast that same day during the event on the Public Sénat TV channel.
The Sag Touch’
- We dared to transform a one-day symposium gathering 900 people onsite into a three-month PR communication campaign. We called on various players: communication, creation, audiovisual media, content creators, Media and Public Relations, broadcasting and event management.
- We managed to turn a complex topic into a clear, accessible, and dynamic content that could be easily understood by a large audience on different channels.
- We are proud of the educational contents that we created and produced on social media, especially the 10 interviews, including those of Mr. Robert Badinter and Mr. Nicolas Sarkozy, and 11 videos that we made for the TV show!
- We were very happy with the whole campaign media coverage: 5 interviews in mainstream media, 4 AFP and ETX/Relaxnews breaking news, and over 195 million of potential contacts. That was a great success! A huge Thank You to the Hopscotch PR teams!
- We are thrilled to have received the “Special Mention of the Jury” COM-ENT award in the “public interest campaign” category. It’s a major recognition!
Did you know?
Since 2010, thanks to the application for a priority preliminary ruling on the issue of constitutionality, every citizen involved in a legal action can affirm that a law potentially enforced against them is unconstitutional.
Every year, the QPC accounts for 80% of the decisions taken by the Constitutional Council.
Want to learn more about the QPC? Visit this website.